Leadership Team

Alison Wilson
01279 421308 / 01371 876641/ 01799 400049
07498 218486
Kelly Dorrington
Head of Resources
01279 421308
07498 218487

Lois Sparkes
Business Development and Quality Lead
01279 421308
07854 732475

Sarah Huggett
Digital Services Manager, Mind Liaison Lead & Mental Health Trainer
07518 911476

Vanessa Craft
Counselling Manager (Non-Clinical)
01371 876641

Natasha (Tash) Pearson
Mental Health Coach Manager & Brand Champion
01279 421308
07511 226555

Craig McColl
Community Services Manager
01799 400049
07708 476069

Ann Creitzman
MHST - Operations Manager
01279 421308
07759 838493

Training Academy
Our Training Academy website offers a number of interactive courses to help you learn how to manage your mental health and provide support for others.

Side by Side
Side by Side is a supportive online community where you can be yourself. We all know what it's like to struggle sometimes, but now there's a safe place to listen.
Connect with people who experience struggles at times
Our highly qualified therapists have a range of specialities and approaches as we know it is not one size fits all.