Here when you need them

Stay Alive

A pocket suicide prevention resource, packed full of information to help you stay safe

Calm Harm

Provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self harm


Enables people who self harm and may feel suicidal (and those close to them) find useful information and support


Guide you through a panic attack making you focus on something other than your reality whilst you breathe

Free, online 7-week course  for young people struggling with self harm.


0800 11 11 

Shout Text


Papyrus Hopeline 247

0800 068 41 41 / 07860 039 967

Use regularly for best effect


Tools and resources to help reduce stress, build resilience and aid better

Chill Panda

Primarily a game that helps with distraction techniques and worry management

Clear Fear

Help yourself manage thoughts, behaviours and emotional elements of anxiety


Get the tools to tackle worry, panic, perfectionism, social anxiety and phobias

Feeling Good Teens

From mindfulness in 3 minutes to being your best self, ideas to feel good


Build strength to face life’s ups and downs

Worry Tree

As simple worry journal to record and categorise your worries. Feel empowered to make a plan and take action on your

Notice changes in yourself


A journal, diary and mood tracker 


Tracks mood and educates on coping mechanism

Mood Patterns

Survey phone usage, sleep patterns as well as mood

Investigate ongoing support

In School

Your School’s Mental Health Support Team

The Mix

Webchat, resources, information


Online wellbeing community